Saturday, June 09, 2012

It Looks Like A Nice Day, But

The sun's out, there's a good breeze, and the memorial service for my friend's son is in a couple hours at a park by the river.

Update:  it was a nice service, held at Ancil Hoffman park.  People showed up in everything from shorts and a t-shirt to jackets and ties, and there were people representing so many "circles" of the young man's life.  Oh, it was hard to hear the remembrances while thinking about the guy I knew, and seeing the anguished looks on the faces of his mother and father, but there, under the shade of the oaks, we gathered, ate, drank, hugged, cried, shared, supported, and cared for the one who is gone and for the ones he left behind.


  1. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Which teacher's son was it? Anyway you can say without giving out too much info.? I graduated from Rio recently and I'm curious

  2. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Very sorry to hear that. RIP and my thoughts are with him and the family.
