Thursday, May 03, 2012

This Story Just Keeps Getting Better and Better

Remember all those teachers in Wisconsin who claimed they were sick so they could avoid going to work and instead went to protest at the capitol?  And do you remember all those doctors who were sanctioned for illegitimately writing the teachers doctor's notes so they could justify their absences from work?  Well, it's not over yet:
The Madison School District has agreed to pay $31,454.57 in legal fees after the State Journal won an open records lawsuit over employee sick notes related to last year's Capitol protests, the newspaper's lawyer, April Barker, said Tuesday.

The State Journal filed the lawsuit in June after the district refused to release hundreds of notes employees turned in to ensure they weren't docked pay for missing school during the protests. The newspaper also sought payment for its legal fees.

1 comment:

  1. What a great use of taxpayer money! Way to go, Madison School District! Is there any money left for actual teaching, instead of covering for teachers who want to play political hooky?
