Sunday, April 01, 2012

Checked Baggage

I'm leaving tomorrow with my son for a few days of American history in Philadelphia. After the recent pleasantness of my Coast Guard Academy trip, on which I brought only a carry-on, I thought I'd try it again.

Ain't gonna happen.

The Coast Guard trip was 2 days, this trip is 5. This time I'm also bringing a full complement of camera gear, and my tripod won't even fit in my carry-on bag. I might have made do, it would have been close, but then I remembered that I offered to carry some items back east for a friend. The carry-on just isn't big enough.

So I broke out my medium-sized suitcase and packed it. Everything fit, but just barely. If I've already decided to pay the $25 in blood money for the privilege of checking a suitcase, why should I take as small a bag as possible? Answer: I shouldn't. So I'm taking Big Bertha, and there's plenty of room in it even after packing my warm jacket.

Weather's supposed to be clear and cool. Hotel, airfare, and rental car are all booked. Can't wait for the history!


  1. Paying twenty five for the big bag....might as well tip a baggage handler at the door five bucks to take it quick....

  2. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Fly Southwest instead, bags are free.
