Thursday, January 12, 2012

Really? In The 21st Century?

How could anyone think this would fly in this day and age?
A Cincinnati landlord who claimed a black girl's hair products clouded an apartment complex's swimming pool discriminated against the child by posting a poolside "White Only" sign, an Ohio civil rights panel said Thursday in upholding a previous finding.
OK, so her hair products clouded the pool. I get that. Forbid the hair products. But to ban a class of people from the pool--a protected class, no less--well, that's just stupid.


  1. Honestly I've seen enough SUNSCREEN clouding pools, too, and that's mostly a white thing...

    Agreed on "stupid" though... and Cincinnati is one of those areas that has more than enough racial tension.

  2. Anonymous10:10 AM

    This example is obviously extreme and done by a nut job, however, to what extent does racism exist in America? If you listen to black liberals, it's prevalent. If you listen to Herman Cain, it barely exists any longer (and probably is equal to anti white, anti hispanic, anit asian sentiment found in any group of people.) When I hear someone cry racisim, I point to the President and say "scoreboard." Which leads to something else, if you're going to have groups like NAACP, the Black Congressional Caucus, and other groups based solely on skin color, doesn't that foster racism? Don't groups like that look for any reason to label something racist when, in reality, race has nothing to do with it?

  3. Matt Mangels8:37 PM

    This is why I hate hearing people express support for Ron Paul; this kind of thing would be a lot more common if he became president.

  4. allen (in Michigan)9:29 AM

    Oh Matt, you don't have to worry about Ron Paul becoming president for racial discrimination to rear its ugly head. Heck, you don't even have to leave Cincinnati. Most states institutionalized the proper form of racial discrimination a couple of decades ago and are resisting bringing an end to that race-based discrimination.

    You really ought to keep up.
