Tuesday, September 06, 2011

What Teachers Really Want To Tell Parents

No, this post isn't like that teacher who lost, and eventually regained, her job after posting excessively rude and snarky comments about her students online. It's more of a "parents, believe me when I tell you your kid isn't perfect" commentary.


  1. Anonymous11:37 AM

    When today's teachers were growing up, their catchphrases were "never trust anyone over 30" and "question authority".

    Now, they are all over 30, and as teachers, they are authority figures. According to the article, they are questioned and not trusted.

    What is the problem? They got exactly what they wanted.

  2. Actually, I think those were for my parents' generation, but I understand your point.

  3. Well, there is a certain level of respect that goes with the title of "teacher." And a certain level of trust ought accompany that, though absolute trust that the teacher's version of events is the most accurate is of course an entirely different matter.

    If I trust that the teacher is unbiased, doesn't have it out for my kid, and wants to work with me, I will work very hard for him/her to straighten out whatever is going on. I don't think I could do that with the blogger lady who clearly crossed a line she should not have.

    The guy in the linked article seems a little overcontrolling, though. It shouldn't be a biggie that a family wants to take the month of JUNE off, for crying out loud. And yes, family stuff *does* happen. Maybe the folks are just blowing him off and don't want to do work in the summer. That should be ok, too, but if I were a teacher I'd prefer someone were just honest about it, yk?

    Well, it's hard to tell exactly what is going on from just one post but that's what it looks like to me. :)

  4. I myself don't understand *why* anyone should even expect students to do schoolwork over the summer unless they're in summer school, but that wasn't the point of his article. Happy Elf Mom and I seem to agree about this guy's writing.
