Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Teacher Suspended For Blog Post Back On The Job

Remember that teacher I wrote about last February, the one who said such foul things about her students on her blog and created such a firestorm? Well, she's back, because "she has a legal right to her job":
An English teacher suspended over blog postings in which she referred to students as "disengaged, lazy whiners" was reinstated because she has a legal right to her job, but dozens of students have already asked to be kept out of her classes, school officials said Wednesday.

Requests from students who ask not to be placed in Natalie Munroe's English and debate classes will be honored, Central Bucks East High School Principal Abe Lucabaugh said at a news conference. The Philadelphia Inquirer reports ( that about 60 such requests have been made so far.

In a statement, the district said Munroe was reinstated because she has a legal right to her job. The district also said it would continue to monitor the environment at the school.
She wasn't as discreet on her blog as I am on mine, that's for sure. All teachers sometimes think what she wrote, but most of us know better than to post it online.

I wonder if there's anyone out there, perhaps a union supporter, who actually wants their kid in her class. Just tossing that idea out there....

1 comment:

  1. I don't know but those children have now been placed in a hostile environment...
