Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Had My First Physical Therapy Appointment Today

I like the therapist--he said he's not into pain! Also, counter to what my doctor told me, he doesn't want me to take a pain pill before going. He wants the possibility for feedback from the pain, so he knows if he's going too far. Makes sense to me.


  1. Glad you are on the mend. And even better, glad you like your PT! Makes a huge difference.

  2. Darren

    He said he's not into pain....doesn't mean you ain't gonna be into pain! ;<)

  3. Sounds like a sensible guy.

  4. I think now that PT is starting you will begin to see some real progress. Just follow their directions and give them honest feedback. As I said before, a good physical therapist can work wonders.

  5. Be sure to take the pain pill after therapy, along with ice. It helps - well, so does a cocktail.

  6. My therapists philosophy is something akin to "slow and steady wins the race", which definitely works for me.
