Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Good Idea, Or More Propaganda?

I lean towards the latter, to be honest:
In an historic vote today, the Maryland State Board of Education provided specific guidance to all public schools to require that each student be environmentally literate before he or she graduates from high school.

The vote cements Maryland as the first state in the country to approve a graduation requirement in environmental literacy, a credit to Governor O'Malley, to board members, and to Dr. Nancy Grasmick, State Superintendent of Schools.

I foresee a lot of Church of Global Warming proselytizing....

Update: Apparently I'm not the only one.


  1. I'm just glad my kids are already through the Maryland school system.

  2. How 'bout "require that each student be literate" and leave the brain washing for universities.

  3. Super. So on top of having great self esteem and not being able to really read or write, our nation's kids will be indoctrinated into what amounts to a nature worship religion. I am glad to live in Texas where such nonsense is usually scorned.

  4. allen (in Michigan)2:31 AM

    Like I wrote over at Joanne's blog, indoctrination's a part of the purpose of public education systems. Implicitly if not explicitly. What particular belief system's being touted is a function of who's giving the edu-crats their orders.
