Sunday, June 05, 2011

Did They Ask What Color Mom's Pubic Hair Is, Too?

Pardon the sensationalized title, but good lord, one local school district has gone bananas. Someone there needs to be not fired, but beaten:
An elementary school has drawn criticism for asking intimate questions about how its students were delivered during birth on its application form.

The enrollment application for the Dry Creek School District asks a number of detailed medical questions about prospective students, but the question that asks whether the child was birthed by “vaginal delivery” or “C-Section” caught parents’ attention.

For the C-Section option, the application asks for the parent to explain why the procedure was performed...

A number of scientific studies in medical journals have concluded that the method of birth delivery cannot be linked to intelligence.
I am at a loss. Should I create a label called "freakin' stupid"?


  1. Scott McCall12:08 PM

    you have to remember, most school districts believe they're A) above the law B) more powerful than the supreme court C)Smarter than everyone else D)Research institutions

  2. Yes! Yes you should create a "stupid" label

  3. Purple! I am soooo using the answer "purple" next time as one parent did in the article. :)

  4. If they are going to get that personal, they might as well also ask what position the child was conceived in? Sheesh!
