Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Just Met My Replacement

A fellow teacher brought my replacement over, and the other teacher corrected papers for about 90 minutes while my long-term sub and I tackled all the big issues of the day. I told her that if it fits her style, I'd like her to continue to run things pretty much as I've set them up, and that I'd like to be a team with her to get her (and the kids) through the end of the school year with as little problem as possible. She certainly seemed to like all of that.

She now knows how to read my lesson plans and where all my "stuff" is. Right now we're hoping she can find the paperback "worked out solution manual" for pre-calculus, as that's the only thing that's iffy right now. She's got a little bit of work to do catching up on entering assignment grades for the past week, but other than that she's slid into about as easy a job as anyone could hope to slide into at this time of year.

I keep my phone on my person at almost all times and told her to call me if something comes up and needs my immediate attention.

The two of them also brought cards and snackies from both students and other faculty and staff members at school, which is always a treat. I've read the cards and have put a healthy dent in the snackies already....


  1. Darren, you are a lucky man, to have such support in your time of rehabilitation.....sadly, I don't think such a thing would happen at my school.

  2. PeggyU3:56 PM

    Cards and snackies? That sounds pleasant :)

    (If you are stuck in front of the television, and if you get BBC America, you should check out Top Gear. It's a show that has been on for apparently quite a long time, but I just recently became aware of it and am addicted to it now. It airs on Monday at 9:00 pm).
