Thursday, April 07, 2011

Teachers Bullied By Students

Law enforcement should be brought in. No one, and that includes children, should be allowed to behave like savages.

Teachers in Bakersfield, Calif., report being scared to go to work. They have been shoved around, cursed at and had eggs thrown at them. Students are reportedly bringing and using drugs, bombs, alcohol and weapons on campus. Many teachers in the district say they are afraid to go to school each day, and constantly fear for their safety.

It's a trend that has been going on for years, but no one wants to talk about it. Recently, however, at a school district board meeting in Bakersfield, teachers had finally had enough and brought it to light. More and more teachers are being verbally and physically abused by students -- and their recourse is dwindling.

I can't believe this is even an issue. This floors me.


  1. yeah younger kids are becoming more violent towards teachers. They understand that if there is no punishment they can get away with a lot more.

    I read one of the reasons for the situation in Bakersfield, was that the administration put an "unofficial" policy in place not suspend students because it takes away from ADA money. Nice huh?

    I'm surprised you haven't run the story on the 8 year old who threatened to kill his teachers and then when the police showed up he threatened them as well. Fortunately, the police don't mess around and pepper sprayed him.

  2. I read about that but the police handled it. The Bakersfield situation isn't handled yet.

  3. PeggyU7:02 PM

    There used to be a place called reform school for little monsters like that. What became of reform schools?

  4. Where is CTA when its members face a hostile work environment?

  5. They're out working to raise taxes.

  6. Of course students are "reportedly bringing and using drugs." That happens all over... but BOMBS in the same sentence? BOMBS?

    I knew a teacher about *16* years ago in Florida who had RAT POISON put in her coffee. They had to pump her stomach. So this bullying isn't a new thing, but maybe the scale on which it is happening is changing...

  7. I finished my high school career at a Catholic school in south Louisiana. The folks in charge of that outfit were not afraid to dish out a little old fashioned whoop ass. Of course that would never fly now.

  8. And CTA is probbl broke after helping elect Jerry Brown.....

  9. probably that is....

  10. Back when I was a young teacher, I was sent for an interview at a school in a very rough area of town. I was driving my old even then 67 Lemans. The meeting was okay, and the principal liked me and my ideas, but then told me if he hired me I would be the only white teacher on campus. I didn't have a problem with that. When I came out, several urban youth were sitting on my car and proceeded to attempt to intimidate me. I shoved one of them out of the way, got in my car and left. I told the principal that I didn't feel that I would be a good fit for that school. In fact, I was scared that coming early and staying late might be a risk to my life. But I am sure they put it down to racism.
