Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Disappearing Posts?

Periodically I look for a post in my archive of over 6000 posts. I also have backup copies on my hard drive, in case the search boxes at the top or bottom of this page fail me. A couple of times, I've found posts in my "hard drive" archives that neither search box can find online anymore, and tonight it's happened again. I even search for key words in the post that wouldn't pop up in too many other posts--and it just doesn't appear to be online anymore.

It's happened again tonight. How do posts just disappear?


  1. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Demand a full refund from Blogspot. Of you hold your ground, they'll cave.

  2. I used to blog on blogger. But blogger, it turns out, is notorious for losing blog posts. I, too, have had this happen, as have others that I know. Anecdotal evidence, sure, but still...

  3. Same thing has happened to me. Maybe Blogger is trying to save space and thinks we won't check?

  4. allen (in Michigan)5:27 AM

    They don't. Either there's some bug in blogspot's software or someone/thing is deleting them. Any complaints from other bloggers about disappearing posts?

  5. socalmike12:36 PM

    They're the "Old-Posts Gnomes":
    Phase one: collect old posts.
    Phase two: ??
    Phase three: Profit!

  6. Anonymous4:56 AM

    That is interesting, and disconcerting. Luckily for me, I only post once a day, so it'll be easy to see if anything has disappeared. . . Still, have you contacted Blogspot about this?

  7. I've put a question up on their Help Forum.
