Sunday, December 19, 2010

One Task Down

I usually don't bring work home with me, especially over a long break such as this, but the Statistics Survey reports and the short-answer section of the stats test need to be graded, and though I'll probably wait until the Sunday night before we go back to school to grade them, I do need to grade them before we get back. I also need to plan out the next chapter in stats.

You might wonder why I didn't bring home any grading or planning for my other classes. Well, that's easy--there's no planning because I've taught them before and have previous lesson plans to use, and no grading because I got it all done before break.

So lots of grading and a moderate amount of planning--and one other task. As mentioned here, I received a goodly number of gifts from students; as mentioned here, I write thank-you notes after receiving such gifts. All my thank-you notes are now written.

Of course I tackled the easiest and most pleasant task first!

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