Monday, August 30, 2010

Go Home Freshmen

It's been customary, for all the years I've been at my current school, for the upperclasses to periodically shout "go home freshmen (clap, clap, clap-clap-clap)" at rallies. We have a very mild school--no freshman hazing--and most seemed to think it good, harmless fun. At most, it was a relatively painless rite of passage.

This year, though, our 2nd-year principal has decided that our rallies, and indeed our entire school, will be places where everyone can feel welcome. Before last Friday's Back To School Rally, he got on the PA system and reminded students that such chants weren't going to happen. Students had already been told that if such chants occurred, he'd stop the rally immediately, and the remainder of the time might involve sitting in the bleachers listening to him explain why that behavior is inappropriate at our school.

The rally went off without a hitch.

Today, however, some of my students, especially sophomores, mentioned how upset they were that the principal was taking away one of their "traditions". Sensing a teaching moment, I momentarily indulged their discussion.

Then I explained that it's ok to disagree with the boss' decision, but he's the guy in charge, and it's his decision to make. And if you really don't like the decision, is this a situation over which you're willing to fall on your sword? If it's not, just move on and accept it. No one thought this was sword-falling territory, like a school uniform would be, so the conversation dwindled quickly and we got back to math.

One crisis down.


  1. I seem to recall Hollingsworth making vaguely similar threats in the past. I don't think he ever followed through in any meaningful form though.

  2. One difference is that we all actually *believe* the current boss when he says something.

  3. We opened a ninth grade campus, ostensibly to separate younger students from such bullying. Of course they still come here for all athletics, band, choir and orchestra, all advanced courses so I am not quite sure what the point is. But I will say that my classes are MUCH calmer and on task. It's an absolute joy. In a side story, on the way to the field house from the ninth grade center, two dumpsters were set on fire. While we did exit the building in under four minutes, this does not bode well for next year's classes.

  4. And, what better way to make them feel welcome than a schoolwide announcement telling people not to SAY they're unwelcome . . .

  5. Actually, max, he's a little smarter than that. Students were told in class meetings on the first day of school that the chant was not to happen; the PA announcement before the rally merely reminded everyone by noting that the rally was to be a welcoming event for *all* students. Because he'd previously addressed it, everyone knew what he meant.
