Tuesday, August 31, 2010

OK For Me, But Not For Thee

Can you imagine the hue and cry from the left and its friends in the media if Rod Paige or Margaret Spellings, or any other member of the Bush Administration, had done something like this?

President Obama's top education official urged government employees to attend a rally that the Rev. Al Sharpton organized to counter a larger conservative event on the Mall. (boldface mine--Darren)

"ED staff are invited to join Secretary Arne Duncan, the Reverend Al Sharpton, and other leaders on Saturday, Aug. 28, for the 'Reclaim the Dream' rally and march," began an internal e-mail sent to more than 4,000 employees of the Department of Education on Wednesday.

Sharpton created the event after Glenn Beck announced a massive Tea Party "Restoring Honor" rally at the Lincoln Memorial, where King spoke in 1963.

The Washington Examiner learned of the e-mail from a Department of Education employee who felt uncomfortable with Duncan's request.

Kudos to the Examiner for publishing this story. I notice that CNN doesn't have such a story as of the time I write this....

1 comment:

  1. And in local Dallas news, nine term Democrat Eddie Bernice Johnson was caught funneling Black Congressional Caucus scholarship funds to members of her own family to the tune of $25K. It seems she "didn't know the rules" although she wrote them, didn't "recognize the names" of her grandson and nephews, and there were no worthy recipients in her entire district, With a 2.5 GPA required.... But she's going to pay it all back so it's like it never happened-right?
