Friday, August 20, 2010

Almost Sidetracked

In this post from a few weeks ago I kicked off my big weight-losing program. In the 3 weeks since then I've lost about 7 pounds! Part of my plan is to give up the internet in the mornings before school, and to replace it with 20 minutes on my elliptical trainer.

Last Saturday night, just as I was about to fall asleep in the USS Egg-terprise while camped at the scooter rally, I heard my phone beep and saw it light up. My housesitter was letting me know that a friend of his, another former student of mine, had broken my elliptical trainer.

It didn't really happen that way, of course. A steel bar had sheared off, and the culprit might weigh 150 pounds soaking wet. What happened is what's known as an "accident"; it was just time for that rod to break.

But what was I to do? My master plan was going to take a serious beating without the elliptical trainer!

I was discussing all of this during our in-service time earlier this week, and a fellow teacher said I could have his elliptical. Huh? Well, he didn't use it, and wants to reclaim the space in his garage. And he would give it to me!

It now sits where my old one did. It's nicer than my old one was, too. The broken one now sits in my driveway with a "free to good home" sign on it--all it needs is that bar welded.

But whatever. I'm back on track!


  1. Free stuff is always appreciated.

    I have a friend who had TWO Nordic Traks for some reason and let my wife "store" one of them at our house. I didn't have to buy one! YEA!!

    I think she used it about a dozen times before it became a permanent clothes rack for several years before I needed the space back and returned it.

    He wasn't too thrilled to see it back at his place. I saw it propped up in the corner of his garage among a pile of boxes of "valuable stuff" that he's had for 20+ yrs.


  2. Darren

    As someone combining two households full of stuff I got one suggestion for your old trainer. Goodwill. Let them have it and take a $25 tax deduction...before B Hussein Obama takes it.
