Saturday, July 03, 2010

Why I'm A Conservative and Support the Tea Party Movement

These quotes from the Founders are appropriate for more than just Independence Day nostalgia, they represent the principles I believe in and for which I was, when much younger, trained to fight and die for.

Conservatives still hold true to the values represented in these quotations. Liberals will find all sorts of reasons to claim that they're outdated.


  1. Anonymous11:29 AM

    I can picture Ben Franklin saying: screw this, that's over 200 years old, we need to adapt.

  2. Good ideas are timeless. The natures of man and government are timeless. "Adapting" in this case means nothing more than being arrogant enough to think that we're so "modern" and "advanced" that we cannot succumb to the same weaknesses that every other great power has fallen to.

  3. Just stumbled across this on the subject. Listen to what Ronald Reagan had to say in 1964; scroll to 3:30-4:00:

  4. ...And I can picture Ben Franklin saying: "See! Told ya so!"

  5. My Dad told me early on that politics is a pendulum and that as far as it swings to one side, it also has to swing the opposite way. Having taken us just about as far to the Left as possible, it has been demonstrated that it doesn't work. I suspect the wobbly top of democracy will right itself in November and then we will begin to see true bipartisanship instead of demagogery masquerading as statesmanship.

  6. I'm not so hopeful that this president has it in him.
