Sunday, July 04, 2010

US Taxpayers Pay To Educate Mexican Citizens In US Schools

From Judicial Watch:

In a town famous for Pancho Villa’s ransacking, the purloining still occurs; this time horses and mules are not disappearing, but taxpayer money is. Columbus, New Mexico is just 3 miles north of Palomas, Mexico and is one of the many border towns mired in the border fence, illegal immigration, and drug smuggling. The culprit in this case, however, is not El Chapo or a coyote, but rather residents in Mexico expecting American taxpayer benefits.

Many families in Palomas, Mexico choose to send their children to Deming Public School District. Regardless of citizenship, these Palomas students are ineligible for Deming Public School education as they live out of the district and are not supporting the school through taxes. In 1996, The Albuquerque Journal noted that students residing in Mexico have been educated in the United States for free for over 40 years...

The amount of additional money is not insignificant especially given that New Mexico will receive $537,047,803 from President Obama’s stimulus plan to “lay the foundation for a generation of education reform and help save thousands of teaching jobs at risk due to state and local budget cuts.” That’s right, the stimulus money will indirectly be funding education for students whose families do not pay taxes.


  1. Privatize schools (does it REALLY take 11K/yr to educate a child?), cut funds for those who serve illegals, or send Mexico a bill.

  2. scott mccall2:24 PM

    the same thing has been happening here in tucson for years. children cross the border, take a bus to school, and get a free education courtesy of the american taxpayer. the school districts have known for a while, but have done nothing about it until recently when a state audit tracked them down. now the districts are in trouble and are being forced to pay the money back.

  3. Brownsville, Edinburg, Del Rio, El Paso-this is the norm, not the exception at border school districts. See, in Mexico children must pay for school,here, it is free. They uses false addresses. But it is also a reality in Dallas, Chicago, San Diego and Denver as illegal immigrants use fake identities to ascertain that the child lives "in district" and then they proceed to steal educational dollars in the form of special needs programs, free lunches and more. And Obama wants us to believe there isn't a problem.
