Monday, June 14, 2010

Where's Darren?

My hotel's internet connection is pretty bad, but here are some pictures that tell the story of my last couple of days. Yesterday started very early in Sacramento...
(click on pictures to enlarge them)

...and the weather wasn't so great in Denver.

Now can you tell where Darren is?

If not, then this picture from this morning should give it away.
(Mmm! Brother needs a tan on those legs!)

Here's the menu of the place I just went to for lunch. Guess which burger I had! (Hint: cats and dogs, lying down together!) Just in case that link ever goes bad or even changes, I have a copy of their menu; I'll scan/post it when I get home.

In a little while will be the welcoming reception for the Concerned Educators Against Forced Unionism conference, the purpose of my visit to our nation's capital. This is the fourth year in a row I've attended, representing the California Teachers Empowerment Network.

Update, 6/17/10: Here's the menu. Yes, I had the Prez Obama Burger.


  1. (Mmm! Brother needs a tan on those legs!)

    And a bag over the face! :)

  2. A Prez Obama...did you have a "really bad feeling about this" as you first looked at it and it went down hill from there? :)

  3. Bacon and bleu cheese, mmm mmm good!

  4. Anonymous11:05 PM

    I got it from the first photo :-D

    So jealous.

  5. You were in Denver? And didn't call? I was just at the airport on Saturday.

  6. I was in DIA for 2+ hours on Sunday morning, and will be there for an hour or so tomorrow evening!

  7. Well, thanks for stopping by. :-)

    Do me a favor and buy something in the gift shop - we could use the tax revenue.
