Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Code Pink Backs Off On Its Afghanistan Pullout Stance

Code Pink, founded in 2002 to oppose the US invasion of Iraq, is one of the more high-profile women's antiwar groups being forced to rethink its position as Afghan women explain theirs: Without international troops, they say, armed groups could return with a vengeance – and that would leave women most vulnerable.

So says the Christian Science Monitor.

It's good that they can change their minds when presented with facts, but the situation remains that they must have been just shooting their mouths off during all of President Bush's term without knowing what they were talking about.

Hypocrites, extreme partisans, or just monstrously wrong? None speaks well for Code Pink.


  1. allen (in Michigan)7:17 PM

    Since the treatment of women by the Taliban wasn't exactly a secret during President Bush's tenure I'm tempted to think that Code Pink has suddenly noticed this behavior because of the change of administration, not because someone pointed it out to them.

  2. I am not sure what subgroup of hypocrisy this is, but Situational Ethics is certainly a key indicator of liberal principles.

  3. Yes, but they were formed to oppose the invasion of Iraq. That's an entirely different situation. Most Americans supported going after the Taliban and Al-Qeada. Far fewer supported the diversion to Iraq. So, in that respect, it's not so hypocritical.

  4. It doesn't matter why they were formed. If they were against the war a year ago and are OK with it now, something's changed--and I think what's changed is the letter after the President's name (R to D).

  5. MikeAT1:06 PM

    “ mazenko said...
    Yes, but they were formed to oppose the invasion of Iraq. That's an entirely different situation. Most Americans supported going after the Taliban and Al-Qeada. Far fewer supported the diversion to Iraq. So, in that respect, it's not so hypocritical”

    Again, copy and paste is a great thing!

    From the Code Pine web site (

    “CODEPINK is a women-initiated grassroots peace and social justice movement working to end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, stop new wars, and redirect our resources into healthcare, education, green jobs and other life-affirming activities. CODEPINK rejects foreign policies based on domination and aggression, and instead calls for policies based on diplomacy, compassion and a commitment to international law. With an emphasis on joy and humor, CODEPINK women and men seek to activate, amplify and inspire a community of peacemakers through creative campaigns and a commitment to non-violence.”

    So they were founded to end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Coincidently for some reason the usual suspects (ABC/NBC/CBS/CNN/NYT/WP ETC) have stopped publishing a lot of pictures of caskets of our war dead….when did this change come about….oh yes, sometime after the beginning of the year.

    Refresh my memory...who became president in January 2009

  6. " Afghan women explain"

    If that statement had been made by Afghan men instead of women, would that have made a difference?

    Just thinkin'
