Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tuesday Trivia

The answer to yesterday's question is:
1931. No one even attempted an answer to this. Let's hope today's question is easier.

Today's question is:
Give two adjectives to describe the “Dancing Queen”.


  1. Young and sweet

  2. Dancing Queen
    Young and sweet
    Only seventeen

    Dancing Queen
    Feel the beat
    of the tambourine!

    Oh yeah ...

  3. pseudotsuga10:42 PM

    She's young and sweet and seventeen!

  4. You are the Dancing Queen, YOUNG and SWEET, only SEVENTEEN. First .45 I ever bought with my own money.

    Second was Three Dog Night's 'Never Been to Spain.' There's a trivia question for you, what is the meaning of the band's name, three dog night?

  5. Dick Clark5:58 AM

    Young and sweet.

  6. Three Dog Night is based on an Aboriginal Australian measure of temperature. Australia doesn't get particularly cold, but sometimes it gets cool enough that they would sleep with their dogs in their tents in order to keep warm.
