Wednesday, May 13, 2009

More al-AP Bias

I found this Associated Press story interesting not so much because of its topic but because of its obvious leftward bias. Let's start at the beginning:
Analysis: Cheney Attacks May Not Help GOP

That's the title. I don't see any analysis in there, and neither do I see any evidence, other than the author's say-so and wishful thinking, that Cheney is not helping the GOP.

You can go read it if you like, but I'm only going to mention one more thing.

When Obama took office, former President George W. Bush went quietly to his new house in Texas, slipped intentionally into anonymity and honored protocol by staying silent about his successor.

But Cheney, widely remembered for heading to undisclosed secure locations at times of national crisis and for working invisibly behind the scenes, has done just the opposite...

While Cheney's public assault on Obama breaches Washington etiquette, his remarks about Powell were particularly unusual.

I find it remarkable that anyone could write about "breaches of protocol" while ignoring President Obama's repeated personal, vicious, unbecoming attacks on the previous administration. Oh look, here's something I wrote the day after he was inaugurated. And Jimmy Carter has been no paragon of virtue and silence in this area.

Bias, bias, bias. And some readers chastise me for periodically quoting from FoxNews.


  1. PeggyU5:54 PM

    When Obama took office, former President George W. Bush went quietly to his new house in Texas, slipped intentionally into anonymity and honored protocol by staying silent about his successor.
    In stark contrast to his successor who doesn't have the class to shut his yap when it comes to dissing his predecessor.

  2. This is what is especially worrisome about the dissolution of many newspapers. There are less independent reporters and many papers are just putting AP stories in the place of more localized views. Less eyes on the situtation, the more chance there is for problems to occur.

  3. Left on the Right Coast10:37 AM

    Where exactly is your harsh criticism of Cheney for his accusation that Obama is failing to keep America safe?

    Class act, that Dick.

    And I love that he's willing to burn the GOP to the ground in his efforts to avoid the correctly harsh judgment that history will have of his administration.

    Double Fail.

    Keep talking, Dick; you're every lefty's best friend. (And press your Freedom of Information Act claims FTW!)

  4. Typical leftie tactic, try to change the subject.

    I'm glad Cheney is saying what he's saying. Compared to what Obama and his ilk have said about Cheney and the "previous administration", Cheney's using kid gloves. I hope he goes tougher, especially on your gal Pelosi.
