Sunday, April 05, 2009

Sunday Trivia

The answer to yesterday's question is:
Joseph Ratzinger.

Today's question is:
What was the name of Apollo 11's lunar module? (Bonus point for also knowing the name of the command module)


  1. Houston this is Tranquility base, the Eagle has landed.
    I think Michael Collins was left to orbit the moon in Columbia.

  2. PeggyU10:50 PM

    The Eagle has landed ... lunar module must have been the Eagle. The Columbia was the command module, I believe.

  3. PeggyU10:51 PM

    LOL! I was sort of close! The only name that was coming to mind was "John Ratzenberger" ... but that was Cliff Claven, so I knew it couldn't be right!

  4. Darn, I always get Joseph Ratzinger confused with that guy that was on Cheers.
