Sunday, December 14, 2008


Have you ever noticed how political conservatives, and people who love our country, shout "USA! USA!" at rallies? Have you ever heard liberals shout that? What did/do they yell at Obama rallies? "O-ba-ma!" What did they yell at McCain rallies? "USA!"

I think that says something.

And I think it says something when military personnel shout "USA", rather enthusiastically, when cheering for President Bush.


  1. Anonymous2:06 AM

    Well, there was a clear dichotomy in the last election, with one side claiming to be "real America" and painting the other as being, by default unAmerican. That was one of the saddest parts of the process in my opinion.

  2. I"m sure you on the left like to believe that, but it's not true.

    I do believe, though, that the socialism which you and Obama's acolytes adore IS unAmerican, though, a repudiation of the individual and civic values that have guided this country for 200+ years.

  3. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Really? It isnt true?
    So, for instance there were NOT continual references to "real America" or "pro America parts of the country". I guess I imagined that.

    Once again, we see the problem I talked about earlier. It is impossible for some people just to disagree, they need to see the Other as being evil, or in this case Not Really American.

  4. You can't love your country only when your people are in charge. In sports, that would be a "fair weather fan". You love your country because you believe in its values.

    The only references I heard to a "real America" were in opposition to "coastal elites", such as those living in San Francisco, Seattle, Boston, or NYC--those who look down their noses at people they derisively refer to as living in "flyover country".

  5. I notice, though, that you change the subject--why do American conservatives shout "USA" and liberals don't? Why are conservatives not ashamed of outward displays of patriotism?

    Videos like the one linked don't make people in "flyover country" uncomfortable.

  6. Anonymous12:14 PM

    I was attempting to explain why. The right wing believe that THEY are America. The other group (the left) are not, in their eyes, Americans. So, chanting "USA, USA" is part of that. When they say "USA", they mean "real America", which does not include the other. So, they were effectively chanting for themselves, but with the added arrogance of assuming that they are the real country.

  7. From Sept 3:

  8. Liberals do not love their country. They love their wholly and fundamentally anti-American -- and yes, I mean that in its most literal sense -- vision of their country, the USA turned into Canada or France, stripped of everything that has made America great, where everyone wears diapers from cradle to grave and lives dependent on the state, a nation of lazy, shiftless bums who feel entitled to a check for sitting on their lazy butts and doing nothing (this is what is known as "social justice"). That isn't loving your country; it's despising your country, and wanting it to be someplace else. It's refusing to grow up and be an adult, wanting instead to be an adolescent all your life.

    And you can take that to the bank, Mr. Brit. We could, of course, have remained a British colony, and we would now be exactly what the liberals want.

    But we didn't.

  9. Anonymous4:38 PM

    lefites probably throw shoes at the President too...

  10. Anonymous5:55 PM

    It is impossible for some people just to disagree, they need to see the Other as being evil, or in this case Not Really American.

    And let's not forget the casual assumption that disagreement indicates insanity or stupidity. Fortunate indeed that "progressives" are far too sane, moral and intelligent to engage in that sort of thing.

    why do American conservatives shout "USA" and liberals don't?

    Self-consciousness makes patriotism an impossibility for liberals. What if it isn't the sort of thing sophisticates do? Tough to see yourself as a sardonic, urbane intellectual if you're waving a flag. Worse yet, others may not see you as a sardonic, urbane intellectual. Might as well go bowling.

    If you don't see yourself as the center of the world, as the pivot about which all important decisions orbit, it's not that tough to be patriotic. The inherent self-confidence of the sovereign citizen, comfortable with their value as a human being and confident of that value, makes the surrender of an increment of individuality to the state an exchange by equals.

  11. Donalbain: If the left loved their country, they could shout it, too. But they don't. THAT is the issue, not the fact that conservatives *do* shout it.

    I've probably sung Hail Britannia more recently than you have. Seriously.

  12. Anonymous12:00 AM

    Obviously conservatives love America and liberals hate America. It's so clear. What other conclusion could possibly be drawn?

    Liberals should be rounded up and imprisoned for treason. Somebody get FoxNews on this. As they would say, "This is HUGE." (As they did when they bravely broke the news that Obama was a Muslim.)

    And thank you, soldier Darren, for pointing out what is so simple and what so many fail to see.

  13. Anonymous1:44 AM

    There is no such song as "Hail Britannia". But that is just one of those annoying little facts.

    If you honestly want to pretend that only conservatives love their country, then that is fine. It is sad, but you have that right.

  14. Anonymous2:57 PM

    > Obviously conservatives love America and liberals hate America. It's so clear. What other conclusion could possibly be drawn?

    That depends on whether you're interested in other conclusions. Are you?

    > If you honestly want to pretend that only conservatives love their country, then that is fine. It is sad, but you have that right.

    How can you pretend if you're being honest? Oh well, never mind.

    Of course liberals/progressive hate their country. How could it be otherwise in a dependent relationship?

  15. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Actually, the question is why Liberals never chant "USA!" during their gatherings. The only answer that we seem to be getting from the more leftward thinking among us is that conservatives think that they have a monopoly on patriotism. However, this does not answer the question. Conservatives are not telling the Liberals that they are not allowed to shout "USA!" Liberals are freely able to do so, but they never do. Why is that?

  16. We all know the answer, Neko, but the libs aren't ready to admit it openly--yet.
