Sunday, December 14, 2008

The New 3 R's

Rigor, relevance, and relationships.

Sounds good, but how does one apply that concept? Try this on for size, and see if you understand it any better than I do!

To paraphrase President-elect Obama, "Just buzzwords?"


  1. My district talks a good game by claiming they want "rigorous" programs, but in reality if a teacher of an advanced class really pushes the limit (as they should) parents come unglued at lower grades and the administration forces the teacher to back down. And I don't think my district is alone in the standards of appeasement for helicopter parents.

  2. I'm sure it is not.

  3. Anonymous5:06 PM

    There are alot of us parents that want our children challenged. We want them doing homeowrk instead of out getting in trouble. We want them to be pushed so they can see how far they can get. We want them to succeed when learning is expected. We don't want them making mobiles in Math class or watching candles butn for an hour. But in Tigard Oregon the district has other plans. Check out this website that was just launched.

  4. I was wondering where that 3 Rs jazz came from. We just had that one dumped on us last year. We also us the Quadrant D stuff. A teacher can submit a Quadrant D lesson plan and get a free lunch with the principal. I'm not a big fan of the guy so that's certainly a disincentive for me. I do Quadrant D everyday in my AP classes. I think most of us do. I just feel like a trained seal turning in a lesson plan hoping to get a meal with the big daddy. We used to get the latest crime stopping program from retired police chiefs when I was a cop. I was always amused that they weren't too successful when they were on active duty, but now they are super crimefighters. Seems like this is the same thing in education. Total jazz.
