Friday, August 15, 2008

The Last Day of School Before The First Day of School

Today was our "teacher work day" wherein we, finally being free of two days of so-called staff development and department meetings, were given time to get our classrooms prepared for the onslaught of students coming this Monday.

I got some new(er) student work up on the walls, got my seating charts created (even though I know I'll be adding and dropping kids like crazy the first couple weeks), and have begun planning with other teachers so that we're all kinda sorta on the same sheet of music in each subject area.

There have been some changes around campus. In addition to new faces and new classroom assignments, there are other changes. We replaced one big, powerful copier with two powerful copiers, and we can send things to copy directly from our computers! Some of our small courtyards have had most of the grass replaced with concrete, which is fine because everyone just walked across the grass anyway; also, I hated it on Thursdays when the groundskeeper would drive the mower into our little courtyard, right in the middle of classes, just to mow a couple hundred square feet of grass.

We have a new PE class, Adventure Sports. I've heard it will include orienteering, kayaking, archery, and several other sports. Sounds quite interesting to me. Too bad it doesn't take place during my prep period!

I taught three trig classes last year but have only one this year. While that might seem like I ticked someone off, I actually come out OK on the schedule this year. In addition to my one trig class I have three Algebra 2 classes, making four upper-level classes in all. I have one lower level class, and it's in the morning.

I don't have any teacher's aides yet, but I'm sure that'll happen eventually. I've found that two really good ones are all that I'll need. But they've got to be really good.

We had some fun today. I organized a "theme" for our teacher yearbook pictures--hats. Almost everyone wore a hat in his/her picture. We also had a whole-staff picture, the organization of which was comical due to the cat-herding aspects of making it happen. And our PTSA hosted a fantastic lunch for us. (No, I didn't bring home a doggie bag--but I should have.) Our PTSA does very generous things like that for us; it's one of the nice things about working where I do.

I left shortly after quitting time today. I'm about as ready as I can get.

Bring 'em on.


  1. As soon as I can get you the form to sign, I'll be your TA 4th period. What class do you have then?

  2. Prep. :-(

    What is it with 4th period? I've had more than a few ask me about that period.

  3. Well, for me, they stuck me in the counselor's office 4th period when there was an issue with my schedule. Perhaps they're doing that for everyone?

  4. Yes. That is the generic "holding pen" until they can modify/correct schedules like yours.

  5. Anonymous2:19 PM

    speaking of going back to school....

    you hear about this?

    school district in texas allowing teachers to bring concealed guns onto campus

  6. I went in early this week to find my room in shambles. The custodial staff literally tossed student computers around the room. After putting things back together, I realized that a mountain of deliveries had been unceremoniously dumped in the new teacher's room. So I have to go in to morrow and check orders against PO's because our inservice lasts FOUR DAYS. We have one day to get our rooms together, print supply lists and organize. It should be the other way around for veteran teachers. I don't need the same spiel on parking, discipline and technology every single year. I will be putting in extra hours as well. And since the custodians have ignored the needed efforts in my classroom, I am paying my 19 year old to come up next Friday and move cabinets and repair the press.

  7. Darren,
    Good luck. I hope you have a good year. We begin the 26th. I have 5 AP classes and one regular US History. Nice Schedule. I have plan 3rd period which stinks because I coach girls soccer and 7th is usually the norm for coaches. Again, good luck and have a good year.

  8. Maybe EllenK should be one of those armed teachers, after what she's described above....

  9. Anonymous6:00 PM

    i think some certain english teachers for the junior class that not many students seem to like.....would be a GREAT candidate for an armed teacher.

  10. No, it's just that the custodians are contracted so they simply do whatever they are assigned and if it breaks a few monitors, what the heck? It would however garner more respect in the classroom if I carried one in a holster. It would give a whole new dimension to hall duty!
