Friday, June 06, 2008

Teacher's Pet, Or Jock?

In an al-Reuters piece that doesn't glorify the terrorists who fight against us, we learn that perhaps the role you played in high school has some bearing not only on the type of job you choose, but on your job satisfaction.


  1. I am not sure where that puts me. I guess I was a geek-band, science club, math club-yeah geekiness for sure. But usually teachers liked me because I was scared to death of them and never talked. Maybe that's why I became a teacher?

  2. I was a jock guy. I didn't take HS very seriously as far as academics was concerned. I went into the military after HS. College was far in my future. I don't know what that says about my choices, but they are what they are. Now I'm a teacher. I think my teachers would be surprised as I was an underachiever before Bart Simpson made it honorable.

  3. The "athletes in the transportation sector" is the one that surprises me, because there are so many wildly different kinds of jobs in this sector. Are we talking about airline pilots? Truck drivers? Railroad switchmen and brakemen? PhD operations-research experts? Regional vice presidents? What could the common thread possibly be here?

  4. You point out exactly why stories like this are complete and total crap!
