Saturday, June 07, 2008

Decline of the West

I've been reading the comments on an Ann Althouse blog post regarding Mark Steyn's/Maclean's kangaroo court proceedings in British Columbia, and I've come across the comments of one Pogo, who is exceedingly insightful and in fact scary in the truth of his/her words:

And this is how the west commits suicide, substituting rules for principle, permitting groups that disdain you to use your tolerance as a weapon against your own.


It is interesting to me that Canada is starting to resemble other nations that are lauded for their 'right to health care' while lacking basic human rights such as free speech, e.g. the USSR, China, Cuba, Venezuela.

I wonder if there is some sort of connection between the expansion of government power for seemingly beneficent purposes and its subsequent decline into tyranny.

We need to heed the warnings that are right in front of our eyes.


  1. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Canada has been a country under siege by special interests for far too long. Our laws cater to the minorities and the only reason it matters now is because it happened to a magazine.

    But hey, if one commission isn't good, why doesn't the party that started the HRC's in Canada create Gender Equality ones too!

    What is it with Canada?

  2. Anonymous5:53 AM

    If it helps any. the U.S. has been in decline since as long as I can remember. We've now dropped so far that were the sole superpower and look to stay that way for the foreseeable future.

  3. Just one more reason why the down ticket candidates are more important than POTUS. It's nice to be president,you get a nice car and house and you can fly on your own jet, but when it comes down to brass tacks, Congress calls the shots. And right now Congress has been controlled by Democrats for nearly two years and their control has produced nothing in the way of economic gain or energy independence. So while the top of the ticket is what everyone will talk about, unless we radically change Congress at all levels into a governing body that will do something in spite of its political limits rather than because of it, we are in for a rough couple of years. The tale will be told at the midterms. If we see a wholesale gutting of Congress then, perhaps we can make some real change-not just the politically appealing kind.
