Tuesday, May 13, 2008

THIS Man Is A Stud

From the BBC:

An Army officer from the Highlands survived an attack in Afghanistan when a rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) bounced off his chest before exploding.

Lt David Robertson, 30, of 4 SCOTS Royal Regiment of Scotland, escaped with minor injuries.

The missile ricocheted off his body armour and detonated against his Warrior armoured vehicle.

Like I said, stud.


  1. Anonymous7:58 AM

    can you say....rambo?

  2. Anonymous11:40 AM

    If that story doesn't land him some serious tail... I dont know what will.

    "so did I tell you about the time I took an RPG to the chest and deflected it?"

    get that man another medal.

  3. Teddy Roosevelt once took a bullet in the chest that was deflected by a folded speech and a glasses case in his pocket. He then proceeded to make a 90 minute speech refusing to go to the hospital. These two guys are true hosses.

  4. It "bounced" off his body armour? What was the guy wearing? A tank?

  5. It's all in the kilt.....

  6. Anonymous9:40 PM

    We're related

  7. I love that he also hit Prince Charles with a potato.

  8. Oops, my bad, Prince William.

    (In light of remedial math mentioned above, considers some remedial reading practice....)

  9. OK Carson, if there's anyone I believe *could* bounce an RPG off his chest, you'd be on the short list.


  10. Anonymous5:20 AM

    Oh God, I have a bad feeling I know what the next goofy challenge is going to be on Survivor.
