Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A Reason Not To Have Porn On Your School Computer

You might accidentally project it up on a screen for the entire class to see.

I'm sure this teacher's job is in some jeopardy, but he might not be in any legal trouble:

Fairfield police say they're unaware of the incident, but that it likely wouldn't be a criminal violation if there was no intent to show a pornographic image to minors, according to Sgt. Joel Orr. It is not illegal for adults to possess adult pornography.


  1. Anonymous5:04 AM

    With all the porn on computers and teachers using computers in classrooms, accidents like this are bound to happen; probably much more frequently than we hear about.

  2. Anonymous11:10 AM

    If it had been two females engaging in a sex act this would not be a problem, and no student would have text messaged their mother about it.

    Why would a student be sending text messages in class anyway? To his mother no less.

  3. Anonymous11:49 AM

    I was busy teaching once and left my computer connected to the television screen. The teacher down the hall sent an instant message to me about something funny that had happened that I really didn't want the students to know. When I saw them looking at the screen, I was so embarrassed. Luckily, I turned it off before they were able to read the whole message.

  4. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Yes, I know somebody who did that, in a lecture hall projector in front of 250 students. And it wasn't pictures. It was the Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee video, as I recall, halfway through when it was going hot and heavy, and not at the beginning. It was the talk of the business school for the rest of the semester. I really kind of felt sorry for him.

  5. I personally think we take everything too seriously these days. One quick sight of something like that caused by an accident doesn't harm anyone. It's comment like "It takes my breath away. It's upsetting, very upsetting," and "Like I say, the rules are very tight about pornography at school and here it's the teacher looking at it. I think he should be fired," that show how important we make unimportant events as if something like this outweighs the persons carrier. He showed a sexually explicit photo by accident and took it off the screen promptly, lets ignore how long he's been a teacher and everything else he's ever done at the school and fire him. I think we should keep and fire teachers based on their quality of teaching not small one time errors.

  6. Where kids are involved, Ronnie, some people give no quarter.

  7. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Hah, I heard a friend say his Physics teacher was typing into Google when the projector was projecting and then when he typed "p" a list opened up of past searches and then, well... he continued like it wasn't happening, just said "now you didn't see that".

  8. It was more of a political cartoon - Geo. Bush giving it to Osama Bin Laden in the rear. Hardly what I'd call gay porn.

    This is from my sis who lives in Fairfield who found out from her son who is a senior at Rodriguez High in Fairfield.
