Friday, April 25, 2008

It's Not Murder, Though

A pregnant bank teller lost the twins she was carrying when she was shot in an Indianapolis bank robbery, a prosecutor said Friday.

Katherin Shuffield, who was five months pregnant, was critically wounded in the robbery Tuesday morning at a Huntington Bank branch. Police have been searching for the gunman.

The children hadn't been born yet, so it couldn't have been murder. Just ask any abortion proponent.


  1. One of the big departures I have with the abortion proponents is their unwillingness to accept that many babies are viable far earlier than the limits of abortion. Partial birth abortion is infanticide pure and simple. I know babies who were born at six and a half months who are living, thriving teenagers today. Yet according to the poorly named "choice" proponents, their lives could have been forfeited based on a woman's whim.

  2. The latest news report now say the twins died as result of other complications from the shooting.

    If I'm on the jury, it's murder.

  3. Anonymous4:38 PM

    I'm pro-abortion, but 5 months in, it's murder.

  4. It's double murder. That poor family.

  5. So, two months in and it wouldn't have been murder? Odd argument.

  6. Anonymous8:16 PM

    No. Two months in would've been murder as well.

    I'm pro-abortion only during the immediate period afterwards when a couple realizes they're about to have a baby they're not ready for.

  7. That's a very odd standard.

  8. Under Indiana state law, they could have been charged with two counts of murder, but it looks like (from the article) the men they had arrested were not the shooters.
