Sunday, April 13, 2008

And This Guy Wants To Be President

The hypocrisy of the left knows no bounds. Apparently, some "hate speech" terms are more hateful than others.


  1. This is nothing new. At Southwest Airlines a few years back, a senior shop steward was fired summarily after a complaint that at a company Christmas party for employees and families, the man was taking family photos and asked them to "smile for the monkees". It was totally disregarded that he said the same thing to everyone else in line regardless of race. This man was pilloried and vilified in the press, losing his job and retirement. And the leftist locals kept after it until he and his family were forced to move. This kind of well-meaning, but vindictive liberalism is what we can look forward to on a daily basis if Obama gets elected.

  2. Well-meaning???

    I don't see it as well-meaning at all. I see it as intentionally oppressive.

  3. Yeah I have a problem thinking that people who parse speech and sift it through a strainer for any hint of racial slight are well-meaning.

  4. Howard Cosell anyone?

  5. Well the leftists thought they were well-meaning and virtuous. That's what they said in the press that they weren't out to get him, although in the end that is exactly what happened. At some point unions got in volved and at that point all hell broke loose. Fun for all, except of course the guy who lost his job.

  6. Called the police? For calling the kids monkeys? Rather than taking a report, I hope the police officers laughed in the complainant's face.

  7. Anonymous9:56 AM

    No, they couldn't laugh at the woman... that would be racist.

  8. More proof he has no business being President. Let's hope Bittergate truly is a bitter lesson for the elite left in America. Funny how big flyover country is and just how many bible thumping, gun toten' yokels live between NYC and LAX who stop their inbreedin and moonshine makin' to vote...
