Sunday, March 16, 2008

Letter From Wife, Hatta, To Joseph, 1/22/1865

click on pictures to enlarge

For some background, see this post.


  1. Well, no, she can't spell, but it's very clear that she loves her husband and misses him terribly. These letters are more than a family treasure--they are a glimpse into our nation's history. Thanks for sharing, Darren!

  2. Yes, that's clear.

    I love some of the idioms--"get clear", meaning you don't have to get drafted. I think it's the next letter where she asks if he pleaded his "peace principles" to get out, making me wonder if they were Quakers (they're from the right part of the country). And the woman who wears a "large loose sack" because she assumes her husband is dead or a prisoner.

    I paid whatever nominal fee was asked and got some of Pvt Leonard's records from the National Archives. There's not much there, as he apparently spent a lot of time in the hospital for being sick. I doubt he ever fired his weapon in anger!

    Oh yes, I know what treasures I have in these letters--which is why I'm making them available here for anyone who wants to see them, as opposed to hoarding them in a box in my closet. When I'm done with the Civil War letters I'll post some of the other ones I have, dating anywhere from the 1850s to the 1940s. They give such a raw glimpse into the lives of these very real people.

  3. Anonymous4:05 AM

    Well written article.
