Saturday, March 15, 2008

Letter From (Uncle?) George to Joseph, 1/17/1865

click on the pictures to enlarge

For some background, see this post.


  1. Cool ! Soldiers asking for "care packages" from home.....some things haven't changed much. Looking forward to your next installment.

    Maybe some of us other bloggers could start posting "civil war" letters on our blogs.

  2. We should do this and compile a list of URLs. What's the best way to make this happen?

  3. I envy you all so much as my family had a disconnect at my grandfather. He fought in the First World War. My grandmother died in 1934 and my grandfather sent his six children to an orphange as the Depression was weighing heavily upon him. I don't have much past that, but my great-great grandparents were Pennsylvania Dutch. Interesting stuff please continue. If possible, could I use some of these letters as primary sources for the Civil War period in my AP US History course?

  4. Considering the copyright notice at the bottom of my blog page, I appreciate your asking. Accordingly, I give Law and Order Teacher *express* permission to print and use the letters.

  5. Thank you. You would be surprised the effect that these sources have on the students. They are stunned about the life that these people lived compared to theirs. Also, do not be embarassed at your G-G-G spelling. Women of that time were undereducated. The fact that she was able to write was evidence of the fact that she was very educated for a woman of that time. Read some of Abigail Adams letters. She, too, was educated for that time. Your G-G-G Grandmother was well-educated for her time. She was obviously a strong woman who wanted to communicate with her loved one. That's pretty cool.

  6. In all honesty, her spelling isn't any worse than many people's today. I'm just picky about spelling, punctuation, and grammar.
