Friday, January 11, 2008

Using Math/Technology in the Real/Modern World

Kerplunk has a great post about some who believe untested computer models for global warming but who resent tested models from, say, actuaries.

If I were to mention the gist of the linked post in class, would lefties think I was "contributing to critical thinking skills" or "indoctrinating"? I wonder....

No, actually I don't wonder at all--I already know the answer!


  1. Note also that the mathematical models of collateralized mortage obligations performance, constructed by some very smart and extremely well-paid people, turned out to have some major problems.

  2. Perhaps if Americans weren't such math idiots at large, people would understand that the collapse of subprime lending was largely the result of lending money to people who statistically would never be able to pay it back. That's what subprime means......
