Saturday, January 12, 2008

Personal Update

I just got back from my 4th doctor visit this week. At least now I can stand, ever so tenuously, and walk, ever so gingerly. This is certainly an improvement over earlier this week. I've hurt my back before but it's never taken this long to heal, and I've never shown this little improvement over time.

Growing old sucks.


  1. Anonymous9:19 AM

    I'm so sorry that you aren't well. Thoughts and prayers for a successful recovery.

  2. Thank you for your generous spirit.

    And let's add one more item to your list: ice pack!

  3. My Mom, who leans towards Holistic medicine, sent us a tip about a Physician in San Diego who'd written several books for people dealing with injuries and pain, a Dr. Peter Egoscu ( I am not spelling his name correctly ) Anyhow, his theory about some injuries and pain is it is due to us doing something that hurts muscles or muscle groups that we rarely use in modern life. He has developed a series of exercises for various body areas to help them recover from injury/pain. My wife has back issues and his exercises have really helped her.
    It is well worth your time to at least check it out.

    Good Luck with your back. I really hope you get better soon.

  4. "EGOSCUE" is the correct spelling.

  5. You have my sympathy. When you feel a little better, walking helps. But make sure you get a therapist that knows what they are doing. Bad therapy like bad medicine, hurts more than helps.

  6. Anonymous8:07 PM

    It’s been a while since we ran the Wash Rack!

    For those of you non Fort Carson veterans that was a five mile run we used to do on occasion.

  7. I feel your pain. In August '06, I dropped to the ground in agony with a thrown out back while I was putting my infant daughter in her stroller. Six months later, I was feeling better :(

  8. Just make sure you double check every step of your care. Spine care is very widely practiced, but often by people who don't have a clue. It's worth it to have an experienced orthopedist on your side.
