Monday, October 08, 2007

Power To The People

I went to see Laura Ingraham speak tonight on her Power To The People book tour. I'd write more tonight but I'm being sidelined by either arthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome--growing old sucks, and it hurts like heck, too! But fear not; I took good notes on her talk, and got to hang out with Mr. Chanman of Buckhorn Road (see blogroll at left), so it was a pretty good evening.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:12 PM

    I've just received the book in the mail from my Book Club, and can't wait to start reading it.
    I have also been suffering from gnawing pain in my right elbow, causing me to slow down on using the computer, email, writing on the chalkboard, and brushing my hair. Try taking ALLEVE and then go see a doctor. It could be the beginning of bone/cartilage deterioration due to arthritis (osteo, probably). And you're right, it is probably a function of the aging process.
