Saturday, June 30, 2007

Spending State Education Money

You should read the whole thing, which ends thusly:

The Department of Education has spent millions of dollars to defend itself against the Lindberg suit, and the Associated Press reported that much of the money was shifted from funds designated for educational purposes.

So there we have it. Taxpayers' money was ripped off, and politicians were at least compliant, if not complicit. Those who tried to set things right were punished and the taxpayers were tapped again to compensate them. Finally, taxpayers' money meant to educate children is, instead, being spent to fight a whistle-blower.

What's wrong with this picture? Everything.

I know! Let's put the state in charge of my health care, too.


  1. I don't know. It's a political system so you have to expect people to use their power for their own benefit. The fact that the powerful figures involved couldn't use their power to get away unscathed means the system worked in this case and that, on balance, it works.

    It's also a representative form of government so we get the government we deserve and lefties have the advantage of offering candy to the electorate. All us conservatives can do is remind the electorate of the dangers of tooth decay.

  2. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The education bureaucracy is interested in one thing and one thing only, power. They are for the most part bulletproof by their with the Democrats. Their cynical battlecry? It's for the kids!

  3. "It's also a representative form of government so we get the government we deserve and lefties have the advantage of offering candy to the electorate. All us conservatives can do is remind the electorate of the dangers of tooth decay."

    I don't think I've ever heard it said better!
