Saturday, June 30, 2007

The Real Cuba

I don't know if much of the information at this web site is real or it's just anti-Castro propaganda, but it wouldn't surprise me if the vast majority of it were true. See especially the links for Free Education and Free Healthcare.


  1. You can contact the webmaster there. He's a friend of mine. It's all true.

  2. Even if it were all lies, I'd have no way of judging for myself no matter what the webmaster told me. However, as I wrote in the post, it wouldn't surprise me if the vast majority of it were true.

  3. I'd be surprised if there aren't stories out of Cuba significantly more horrendous then those published on the site. Rumors circulated for years about the brutal excesses of the Soviet, Chinese and Eastern European countries. It took the collapse of the Soviet Union to pry loose the documentation to prove the rumors.

    Have there been any communist regimes that didn't, as a matter of course, brutalize the citizenry?
