Friday, February 02, 2007

Spaghetti Night

Tonight was the Spaghetti Dinner at my son's school. For $4 a piece, it was, as they might say in the South, right tolerable.

I'd heard that the 6th graders would be serving the food--I thought that meant they'd be scooping the spaghetti and putting some garlic bread on my plate. No, we sat in the cafeteria while 6th graders scurried to and fro, bringing bowls of salad, plates of spaghetti, and drinks to those of us at the tables. I enjoyed that, not having experienced that before at any school at which I've taught.

The 6th graders are raising money to go to Sly Park. Sly Park is a "camp" owned (?) and run by the Sacramento County Office of Education. I went there for a week as a 6th grader, I went again for a week in 12th grade as 1 of 8 teenaged counselors for three schools' worth of 6th graders, and shortly after graduating from West Point I spent a week there as a counselor during a summer "Space Camp".

I like Sly Park. I have extremely fond memories of Sly Park. If any of my readers know about Sly Park, I was a Porcupine all three times.

I'm glad this Spaghetti Night is helping fund these kids' trip to Sly Park. Next year it will be my son's turn.


  1. Hi Darren,
    I'm a new reader, but I've seen you mention West Point a few times... my family lived in Fairfax, Va during the Reagan years, and the highlight of my junior year of high school (85-86) was going the Army-Navy game in Philadelphia. My friend Jennifer was engaged to Mike Goodridge and it was a teenager's dream come true when we she invited me to go with her to sit with the cadets during the game and then to the party afterwards! Just thought that might have been the same time you were there... I still think about the Goodridge family often, and it's a small world, so I thought I'd take a chance (I didn't see an email address on your blog)

    Anyway, I'm enjoy your commentary!

  2. Thanks for commenting, and for your compliment.

    I was at Hudson High from '83-'87; we might have passed each other at the concession stand at the Vet!
