Monday, January 15, 2007

The Joke's On The Environmentalists links to a Penn and Teller clip showing environmentalist nutjobs signing a petition to ban dihydrogen monoxide--used by styrofoam companies, pesticide companies, nuclear companies, etc. It's pretty entertaining. Some asked no questions; as soon as they were asked to sign the petition to ban the substance, they did. Scary.

They probably look up to these twits, too.


  1. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Isnt that h20?

  2. Anonymous3:11 PM

    lol <3 humans

  3. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Here's an idea: Al Gore's "global warming" film is being offered to 50,000 teachers nationwide free on Jan. 25. It's being offered first come- first served. I suggest any teachers who think Gore's a nutjob (as I do) request the DVD to KEEP IT OUT OF THE HANDS of nutjob teachers who will show it to our children as the gospel truth. That's what I did! Use it as a coaster, or a frisbee, or use the case for that great John Wayne film you lost the case for. Whatever, but it'll be one less lefty teacher with this propoganda in his/her hands. The link to request it is here:

  4. I like the way you think, Anonymous.

  5. Anonymous11:54 AM

    I realize that I am showing my age, but back in the Jimmy Carter years weren't the same groups whining about the impending Next Great Ice Age that was of course being brought about by gas, oil, plastics, nonorganic food, etc.? I think that there is a mentality in this nation that wants to be on what is perceived as the winning team no matter what their inner thoughts really are about issues. They go along because it's popular, it looks good on paper or they think they will win the admiration of those around them. We have to stop being a Lemming Society and start thinking independently of loudmouthed, overexposed, uneducated celebrities.
    *still on a snow day*

  6. Anonymous3:40 PM

    This reminds me of that one interview on Fox with some crazy liberal ranting about George Bush's "war crimes". Hundreds of people were protesting, but when the protest leader went to an interview, she couldn't explain why! Whenever asked a question, she immediately starting ranting about George Bush and his "lack of strategy". If people actually thought about their position and didn't just follow society like in this video, we'd have alot less issues. People who don't support Bush, would you rather be dodging suicide bombers everywhere because everyone complained we pull our troops out of the Middle East?
