Sunday, November 05, 2006

Windows, Mac OS, and Politics

Apparently the linked video is a spoof a few years old or something, but I found these comments entertaining:

Today a reader sent me a link to a video I am sure George will enjoy. Take a look at Why Macs Suck.

I had no idea Macs had such a range of exasperating problems. But the nature of the problems is not surprising. They all revolve around the Operating System as God and the User as Insignificant Annoyance. Which reflects the Mac's liberal origins. An operating system is like a government. Windows is like a Republican government. It gives you a tremendous amount of power and lets you run your own life, even if it screws up a lot. And if you screw up, it allows you to fix the problem yourself. The Mac OS is like a liberal government. It gives you very little power and tells you what's good for you, and when something goes wrong, you have to run to an anointed Mac official to get it fixed.

And the Mac OS takes more of your money, because you're not qualified to decide what to do with it. You may not realize it, because you're just a potato-eating, truck-pull-watching User, but this is what's best for you.

Good one :-)

Hat tip to Right Wing Nation (see blogroll at left) for the link to the original post.


  1. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Democrats give the people more power, not Republicans. George Bush has almost completely removed the Bill of Rights.

  2. As evidenced by your complete and total fear to say something bad about our Junta Supremo, or your fear to possess a firearm, or your concern that you'll have to testify against yourself...

    Your ignorance would entertain me if it weren't so dangerous.

  3. I was subjected to an i-Mac at one of my previous workplaces. I hated that thing with a passion. As I would scream at the computer on a daily basis, all I could think of were all these dopey Apple users who always talk smack about Windows and smarmily proclaim the Mac OS to be sooooooo much better and easier.


  4. Hey Anonymous,
    Check out these numbskulls exercising their First Amendment rights and explain to us why they weren't scooped up by President Bush's storm troopers. He has almost completely removed the Bill of Rights after all (according to you).

    I hope the entire link shows up:

  5. Macs are slow. They are hard to change and often they have issues that defy logic. When I was working as a graphic designer, EVERYTHING is on mac. Every design program was made for mac first. I hate mac's with a passion and what annoys me the most about them are the people that love them tend to look down on others. never mind that they haven't got a clue how to change anything in their profile and that they can't easily interface with others. It appears to be the same superiority complex suffered by the ultra-elitist liberal sections of our nation. That Macs should be so strong within the design and communications industries seems like a pretty strange parallel. Coincidence?

  6. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Some of the newer Macs are better than a lot of PCs.

  7. Anonymous5:47 AM

    I switched from WinXP to Linux in 2001 and from Linux to OSX a year and a half ago. I've enjoyed every minute of my Mac experience. Where all this hatred for the Mac is coming from is simply beyond me, unless people are thinking back to experiences with Macs from ten years ago. (I remember, with great hatred, being forced to use Apple IIe's (!) back in college to run statistical analyses.) The newer Macs are simply awesome. let's stop the hate!

    And the whole "Macs are for liberals" thing is just plain dumb.

  8. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Also, Darren, the link that you posted that was supposed to go to Right Wing nation actually goes to some site called "Hog on Ice". Eh?

  9. Hog on Ice was the "original post", which is what I linked to. Right Wing Nation is what turned me on to that post. How was what I wrote not clear about that?

    And dumb? Lighten up! I thought it was funny!

  10. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Darren, what's *really* funny is you dissing the OS preferred by George W. Bush, Rush Limbaugh, and Sean Hannity. Those flaming liberal Mac users! So good of you to point out the error of their ways! But really, the list goes on from there. Please continue.

  11. Anonymous11:32 AM

    I know, Darren, your post was neither pro nor anti Mac. I am an idiot for thinking a link to "Why Macs Suck" and the subsequent diatribe against the Mac OS could be construed as disrespect.

    Another humorous aspect of the video linked to is that it actually describes the operation of a PC to a T. Reminds me of a crappy email that went around pre-2000 election. It was a list of goofed-up quotes attributed to Al Gore, complete with dates and places. Very credible-looking. Lots of truthiness. The only problem was that they were all Dan Quayle quotes misattributed to Gore.


    Anyway, thanks for another example of your mastery of "the civil tone." You Rock!

  12. Anonymous12:32 PM

    "Democrats give the people more power, not Republicans. George Bush has almost completely removed the Bill of Rights."

    Get a new drug dealer. Your supplier is giving you some bad stuff.

  13. Anonymous4:32 PM

    There really is nothing wrong with Macs, if you're the casual computer user. If you wan't networking (not professional, mind you Linux people), development, and a wide variety of programs, then Windows is right for you. If all you do is Email, browse the internet, and toy with photos and videos, then get a Mac. The hatred for Apple comes from their STUPID commercials openly insulting Windows. They won't have much to insult when Vista comes out...

  14. Anonymous, your ability to distort reality is mind-boggling. You come into the online equivalent of my house, disparage me personally, and then wonder why I respond with anger. No doubt you'll now, after checking to ensure your halo is straight, feign insult and ask for specific instances--and if I delineated them, you'd find some reason why they were entirely appropriate in my house.

    Monitor your behavior. If you cannot, I will again monitor it for you by not posting your inappropriate comments. If you have a disagreement with what I say in my house, either find a polite way to disagree, or "don't come around here no more".

  15. Argue with it if you will:

    I will not.

  16. Anonymous6:57 PM

    I love the connection between operating systems and political parties. There are definitely huge corrolations. But I prefer macs over PCs hands down. I guess that's why I'm a democrat. Or mabey I have this causal relationship switched the wrong way. I agree the old OS 9 sucked big time, but since the release of OS X, Macs are so much more user-friendly. You plug in your camera and you don't have to download driver #XC-3549-J. iPhoto just opens and you click "Import." This fact makes it harder for you to do things on you own, I suppose, but for everyday usage, Macs are extreemely easy to use. You don't have to know computer jargon, because the computer does all that crap behind the scenes without ever dragging you into its problems and giving you "Error #3246: Failed Colonel System Boot" messages.

  17. Now *this* is precious!

    Enjoy it, Darren! It supports your thesis... in a way.
