Sunday, November 05, 2006

Teaching the Theory of Evolution in Schools

Imagine if it were taught this way!

South Park is pretty funny sometimes.

Update: Here's the direct YouTube link. South Park is copyrighted, so it may not last for long....


  1. Anonymous3:17 PM

    That show is so funny. I reccomend watching the "Hell on Earth" episode. It's on YouTube, as well.

  2. Anonymous6:26 PM

    You watch South Park?

  3. I've only seen it a couple times, as I'm too poor to have cable. It does entertain, though.

  4. Anonymous11:02 AM

    South Park is a show preferred by skeptics and critical thinkers in general (including liberals and libertarians). You should rent the DVD sets and enjoy the enlightenment. The writers/animators did an excellent anti-gun segment for Michael Moore's Bowling for Columbine.

  5. I understand they slay sacred cows on both sides of the aisle--odd that you didn't mention that. And your implication that conservatives aren't "critical thinkers in general" says far more about you than you think, and it's not good.

  6. At times I just have to be very frank! Having said that, I must comment with the following:
    With all the horrific crap unfolding on the planet your "deep critial thinking" seems awfully shallow and down right full of fluff!

  7. Anonymous4:41 PM

    "The writers/animators did an excellent anti-gun segment for Michael Moore's Bowling for Columbine."

    That is not factually correct. That is a well known dispute between South Park and Michael Moore.

  8. My liberal friends love that show.
    I abhor South Park, but that clip was funny.

  9. Anonymous11:02 PM

    South Park is no friend to liberals. Watch the movie Team America, where they blow up Michael Moore and Matt Damon. It is hilarious!

  10. Anonymous10:27 AM

    South Park is definitely not a liberal show -- though anybody who thinks they have some kind of right not to be offended won't like it.

    There are no sacred cows on South Park.

  11. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Miller, have u seen the one about the 9/11 conspiracy??? I reccomend it.

  12. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Other anonymous, have you had your medications for your problem with paranoia renewed lately? May I recommend The Brain Terminal Video Set to you along with the DVD Farenhype 911.
