Friday, September 01, 2006

Dems Back Draft

Remember, back during the 2004 election, the Democratic scare tactic of spreading rumors that a 2nd Bush Administration would reinstate the draft? Hasn't happened, has it?

Who is recommending a draft of sorts? Why, Democrats, of course.


  1. Anonymous8:31 AM

    “We need a real Patriot Act that brings out the patriot in all of us by establishing for the first time an ethic of universal citizen service. All Americans between the ages of 18 and 25 should be asked to serve their country by going through three months of basic civil defense training and community service. This is not a draft, nor is it military. Young people will be trained not as soldiers, but simply as citizens who understand their responsibilities in the event of a natural disaster, an epidemic or a terrorist attack.”

    Strange, I thought we used to teach kids about basic civil defense, community service, how to handle a natural disaster, etc in school…I wonder what happened there.

    Not strange…I doubt the people proposing this will have to put up with it.

  2. Anonymous4:57 PM

    It's funny that the article you linked to specifically stated "This is not a draft" and went over the fact that it's civil defense training and community service. That's hardly close to a military draft.

  3. "Strange, I thought we used to teach kids about basic civil defense, community service, how to handle a natural disaster, etc in school…I wonder what happened there."

    It was jumbled up into PE, which I loathe.

    Anyways, I wouldn't mind recieving basic civil defense training and feel that that will inspire more people to join the Army, but inflicting this on some people is almost unconstitutional (ya im a liberal) with regards to freedom of action.

  4. Anonymous, that's why I said it's a draft "of sorts". Do you have a better name for the government's compelling people to do something?

  5. Anonymous9:46 PM


    I looked up the definition of draft, “a selection or drawing of persons, by lot or otherwise, from the general body of the people for military service; levy; conscription.”

    Conscription,” compulsory enrollment of persons for military or naval service; draft.”

    Notice the main word. Compulsory. Darren and I met in 1989 at Ft Carson, CO where we served together at the same battalion. Although we have many differences, one thing we shared. We volunteered to join the army, knowing the challenges, risks, rewards and other parts of the service.

    Put it to you this way. I am not controlled by the government. When I was a teenager, I decided to pursue a military career. I will resist this attempt to control our population (which is what it is) as best I can.

    Question, what will they teach? More diversity crap or environmental horse shit? And if someone says “Hell no, I won’t go”, what will you do? I’m a cop in the real world and I would have a problem with arresting someone who wants to go about just living his life. If thousands of teenagers march in the street saying “No!” will you expect us to jail them?

    “All Americans between the ages of 18 and 25 should be asked to serve their country by going through three months of basic civil defense training and community service.”

    That’s the quote from the Democratic publication. This is not a request…no more that the Clinton tax increases were “contributions”. You are putting the force of law into making an adult who has completed his mandatory schooling (i.e. K-12) for something he may not want to participate in. And if he doesn’t want to, that’s his business. I think that is called freedom. Hopefully we can keep the democrats away from power enough that they cannot take more of our rights away.

    I propose this…let people serve their country by going out, making a success of themselves in whatever field of endeavor they desire and if they choose to, be left alone.

    Vidur Dadlani

    If you want to take civil defense training, by all means do so. I have no doubt there are volunteer fire departments, emergency reactions teams etc that can use your help. Just as long as you’re doing it because of your own free choice.
