Saturday, June 10, 2006

Colleges Going Green To Save Money

This is the kind of environmentalism I can get behind. You don't have to hate America or capitalism to be an environmentalist, and like Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace, I'm all about sustainability. There's nothing wrong with taking cafeteria waste-grease and using it to fuel a bio-diesel vehicle; in fact, I enjoy the display of just such a vehicle at Sac State's Earth Day celebration each year. There's nothing wrong with composting, I'm on record supporting solar power, and while I'm not the biggest fan of wind power, if a couple schools can get energy from the wind, more power to them! (More power, get it? Sometimes I slay myself.)

I'd like to see more small-scale stuff like this, just to see if it could work on a larger scale.


  1. As much as people like to complain about Walmart, they have opened a couple of "green" stores, one in the wealthy suburb of Plano. It's very nice. They have a variety of different approaches and the store itself is very nice. I understand that an office building in Frisco, TX is using similar technology including passive solar heating, and other strategies that will save something like 30% on electricity and 40% on water. I wish there were some sort of tax subsidy so that we could afford to apply these systems to my house. We used to have a solar water heater in the previous house, it was great. We never ran out of hot water.

  2. I agree 100%. Everyone is lookign for a magic bullet to fix our energy problems. But, more likely it is going to have to be a combination of many smaller ways to conserve, recycle, reuse, and reduce.

  3. *And* nuclear power :-)

  4. I agree about Rancho Seco. But I don't pay the Bee, I just mooch off their free online service. I'm not going to pay that liberal paper for anything.
