Tuesday, April 25, 2006

More From The CTA

Apparently they still think I'm a member--or at least they haven't removed me from their email list. Today they sent an email containing the following:

-- With double digit increases in premiums over the past several years, combined with declines in quality and service, we all know there's something wrong with our health care system. So, the question is: what can we do about it? To find out, please attend an informative session entitled "Health Care: If It's Broke, Fix It" on Monday, May 15 from 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. in the Natomas High School Multipurpose Room (3301 Rosin Boulevard, Sacramento). Sponsored by CTA's Capital Service Center Council, the session will feature an overview of the problems we face, an outline of current solutions, and an invitation to become involved (light snacks will be served). Natomas High is only about 10 minutes from the Hilton Arden West Hotel, so those attending the Central Valley Trust (CVT) meeting that same afternoon should easily be able to make both sessions.

Any guesses on whether or not the "outline of current solutions" contains socialized medicine or not? No guesses here--I already know the answer.

It also had this:

-- Speaking of upcoming events: there is another Capitol-area rally this Thursday, April 27 starting at 4:30 p.m. Sponsored by our coalition partners, the Alliance for a Better California, the rally will start on the Capitol grounds directly across from the Hyatt Regency Hotel (1209 L Street, Sacramento) and will protest the Governor's over the top fundraiser to be held there that night. The closest parking lot is at the corner of 10th and L Streets. Hope to see you there!

Oh, you very well might see me there! I had such a good time at last year's Day of Action rally at the Capitol. Scroll through the May 2005 archives, May 21st and afterward, for lots of information on that barrel of laughs.


  1. Anonymous5:34 PM


    More union fun and games. My wife teaches in Sacramento. I remember when some union rep came over to the house pushing a 403(B) account. Glad she took my advice and turned it down.

  2. I read that article today and forwarded it to my fellow teachers at school.

  3. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Just FYI - Darrin your pull quotes are hee-yuge in my browser which is IE6. Is this deliberate? I mean they're about 18 pt font.

  4. I don't set the font size, but I do tell Blogger to make then "large" instead of "normal". So I guess in that regard, it's deliberate.
