Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Lefties Won't Like It...

...but I'm going to say this is entirely believeable behavior from lefties. If someone will send me a similar story of conservatives who slashed the tires of libs to keep them from voting, I'll post it here as well.

I love the comment from the Congresswoman: "I love my son very much. I'm very proud of him," Moore said. "He's accepted responsibility." What a pathetic statement. He "accepted" responsibility (did he turn himself in? I doubt it) for not acting responsibly.

Update, 4/28/06 12:15 pm: Here's yet another example of lefties' exercising their 1st Amendment right to free (symbolic) speech. See what happens when you allow actions to be considered as speech? Again, show me examples of conservatives who have defaced Greenpeace, NEA, NAACP, or other liberal organization property, and I'll post it here.

And anonymous? Let's not try the abortion clinic bombing meme again. When was the last time that happened? Get a new story. And most people (vast percentage, I'm sure) recognize bombing to be wrong. Are there plenty of defenders of this type of graffiti? How about of people who destroy pro-life displays? You know there are.


  1. Anonymous2:30 PM

  2. And these people broke the law--how?

    Try again.

    There's a difference between protesting and slashing tires. I know that lefties will want to say that both are expressions of free speech, but so far the courts don't seem to be buying it.

  3. Anonymous5:49 PM

    They were not protesting. They were trying to prevent the recount.

    They were protected on high from the RNC.

    If they had been regular schmucks, the would have faced charges for interfering with the recount.

    You and I both know this.

  4. Sorry, mindreader, I do *not* know this.

  5. Anonymous, you have attempted to post other tripe and since I'm in a bad mood, I rejected it. Perhaps I shouldn't have, since it would have shown a strange predilection on your part to *avoid the topic*.

    I would ask you to read the posted request again, and *then* attempt to comment. As I might say to my students, "stay on task."

  6. Anonymous3:13 PM

    On election day, 2004, I worked all day for my county party. Throughout the morning (after I was done teaching), I was a runner -- that is, I drove all over the county and picked up the poll books from the polls. Poll books keep track of who has and has not voted, and how they voted in the previous primary (Indiana is not a party registration state; you are either a registered voter or not, but you are not registered with a party affiliation.) Poll books are how the volunteers at headquarters know who has not voted, and therefore, who to call.

    The local democrats, who are way to the left of Nader's nuts, btw, decided to send "monitors" to all the polling places, because if you recall, they were all freaked out about "voter intimidation." At not one, or two, but three different polling places, the "monitor" challenged my being there, accused me of "voter intimidation," and in all three cases, got so loud and threatening that she (in all three cases) was ejected -- in one case, they had to call the police.

    "Voter intimidation" indeed. What utter nonsense that is, particularly coming from a party that has many times over relied on documented voter fraud for election wins.

  7. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Here's a further post on voter intimidation...

  8. Chris, did you mean to post a different link?
