Saturday, January 14, 2006

Abortion and the Alito Hearings

Nothing deep here, nothing intellectually rigorous.

I just wonder why the only thing the Democrats seem to care about is Roe v. Wade. Is there truly nothing more important than that one case? I don't hear Republicans walking around saying "Gotta overturn Roe!" but with each of the President's 3 Supreme Court nominees the first thing the Democrats bring up is that one case.

It's not like overturning Roe would end abortion in this country. All it would do is reaffirm that the US Constitution has nothing to say on the issue and that it's one rightly decided in the states. Even the screechy Eleanor Clift of Newsweek (and the McLaughlin Group) acknowledges as much:

Then the battle moves back to state legislatures, and some places—like Utah, Louisiana, Missouri, Alabama, Oklahoma and South Dakota—would outlaw abortions while other states, like New York and California, would be decried by the Right as "abortion mills."

In fact, that quote is among the only correct, honest things she said in her entire article. But here at Right On The Left Coast I believe in acknowledging people when they're correct, even if they're only right on accident!

So what we have here is a Democrat Party that lives in perpetual fear that one Supreme Court case might be overturned. Were they as worried about Dred Scott, do you think? or Plessy v. Ferguson? or Bowers v. Hardwick? Hmm, I say.

Ann Coulter said it--perhaps not best, but in a humorous way here:

According to Dianne Feinstein, Roe vs. Wade is critically important because "women all over America have come to depend on it." At its most majestic, this precious right that women "have come to depend on" is the right to have sex with men they don't want to have children with.

There's a stirring principle! Leave aside the part of this precious constitutional right that involves (1) not allowing Americans to vote on the matter, and (2) suctioning brains out of half-born babies. The right to have sex with men you don't want to have children with is not exactly "Give me liberty, or give me death."

Having won that one (ending slavery), today's Republican Party stands for life, limited government and national defense. And today's Democratic Party stands for ... the right of women to have unprotected sex with men they don't especially like. We're the Blacks-Aren't-Property/Don't-Kill-Babies party. They're the Hook-Up party.

one more snip, and

I'll go out on a limb and bet that, after the Democrats' expert cross-examination, Judge Alito has lost the support of every single member of NARAL.

The problem for the Democrats is: NARAL members aren't like most people. "Give me liberty or give me the right to have unprotected sex with men I don't want to have a child with" just isn't that attractive a principle in the light of day.

The problem is that the Democrats truly do sound as stupid as Coulter paints them here.

Update: See Skymuse's link in the comments.


  1. Good stuff as usual Darren! Keep up the good work.

    If you don't mind I'd like to link back to your blog from slacker nation.

    Let me know if that's alright.


  2. Feel free to link!

  3. Thanks, it's linked.

    Being a "Wackjob Libertarian" I always like to make sure I have permission!


  4. "So what we have here is a Democrat Party that lives in perpetual fear that one Supreme Court case might be overturned. Were they as worried about Dred Scott, do you think? or Plessy v. Ferguson? or Bowers v. Hardwick? Hmm, I say."

    There's that good old "Settled Law" bit...

    I didn't see a trackback, but I've linked to your post from my own.

    Follow back to if you're interested in my own take on this subject.

    Good post!
