Sunday, November 06, 2005

Today's Republican Party

I read recently that it's taken the Republicans only 10 years in power to develop the arrogance that it took the Democrats 30 to develop. I guess there's a compliment in there somewhere, if you look hard enough.

Now don't think for a moment that because I write something negative about Republicans, that's proof that the world is crashing down or that I'm ready to jump into bed with Boxer, Kennedy, Reid and the boys. Sorry to disappoint you (I'm really not, but it's polite to say). I still share the Republican ideals which Congressional Republicans seem to have forgotten, and if we're talking about the two major parties, they're by far the least worst.

It's encouraging to see others remind us that Republicanism/conservatism isn't all about social issues. Via Instapundit (see blogroll at left) comes this piece from

You have to wonder about Republicans' state of mind of late.

Did they wake up one morning and confront an unfamiliar face in the mirror? Like some bad political Botox, gone is Ronald Reagan's face; staring back in his place is Teddy "I will spend your money like a drunken sailor" Kennedy.

Republicans are knee-deep pork barrelers practicing the fine art of fiscal irresponsibility. Who passes the baton that began with Goldwater, took root with Reagan and gained power through the "Contract with America"?

Contrary to popular belief, the core of conservatism does not spring from "life" issues; those just suck up all of the air and make all of the noise. Conservatives are, first and foremost, proponents of limiting government's power and strengthening national defense.

Given that definition, I AM A CONSERVATIVE.


  1. Anonymous1:34 PM

    But this is an overly simplistic view of reality, and borderline untruth.

    Republicans do not believe in a strong national defense. They believe in a strategy of the best defense is a good offense. They bring our country to war even when attacks are not eminent.

    Furthermore, a Republican controlled Congress, Republican Presidency, Conservative dominated Judicial branch have not eclipsed our well entrenched liberal institutions.

    Public Health
    Public Sanitation
    Public Education
    Public Transportation
    Public Safety
    Social Security
    Social Services

    The only reason why we see the Elephants in office is that the American People have taken these things for granted. Once Republicans attempt to scale back these institutions, and reveal their true agenda, they will find themselves out of job.

    Face it. The best that Republicans can do is to attempt keep these institutions from expanding and bring our country to unnecessary wars.

    Republicans have succeeded in keep us at bay and preventing further social progress (Gays in the Military, Gay Adoption, Gay Marriage, ERA, Gun Control, the expansion of Abortion Rights), but they are fighting a loosing battle against time.

    In the long run we will win.

    My great grand daughter will be free to have her first lesbian experience and her first abortion before the age of 16. There will be abortion clinics in shopping malls. There will be openly gay soldiers in the military, adopting children. Jesus will become the “J-word”, not to be uttered in public, and take its rightful place alongside the G-word, F-word, S-word, and N-word.

  2. I celebrate this comment mostly for its final paragraph--it supports the conservative argument just about as well as any I've made.

    I commend you.

  3. Two points about your post, though.

    Do you think attacks on the US should be *imminent* before we stop them? Or is it better to stop them earlier in the process?

    And how is your great-granddaughter going to need an abortion if she's in a lesbian relationship?

    You're right about one thing, though, that our social programs, which take up fully half of the federal budget, are continuing to grow. Even under a Republican administration we have prescription drug benefits for certain citizens. Unless these programs are reined in, our economy, and our government with it, will crumble under the weight of these programs.

    It will happen in Europe first. Perhaps your great-granddaughter will witness what happens there, or perhaps will read about it in history books, and decide she wants to live in a better place.

    And she'll vote Republican.

  4. Anonymous7:40 PM

    "And she'll vote Republican."

    Political parties do not matter.

  5. You spent a lot of electrons in your first comment talking about one party in particular--for something that doesn't matter.

  6. Anonymous5:22 AM

    Furthermore, a Republican controlled Congress, Republican Presidency, Conservative dominated Judicial branch have not eclipsed our well entrenched liberal institutions.

    Therefore, they do not matter.

    Ok. Make your case as to how the Republican party has helped you personally, in your lifetime.

    I will supply a counter argument about how the most profound changes that have occurred in your lifetime had little or nothing to do with government.

  7. You mention all these government programs, and then say that a particular political party doesn't matter. Then you say that the most profound changes in my life had little or nothing to do with government--even though you know next to nothing about me (I assume, because you don't identify yourself).

    For someone who thinks the Republican Party doesn't matter, you sure spend a lot of bile trying to trash them. How's that saying go? Methinks dost thou protest too much?

  8. Anonymous8:10 AM

    "Then you say that the most profound changes in my life had little or nothing to do with government--even though you know next to nothing about me."

    I implied that without actually stating it.

    Since you offer no counter argument, I assume it to be the truth.

  9. And we know what happens when you assume--only you're not making an ass out of *me*.

  10. Anonymous2:05 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Either be nice, or don't post here. You have been warned too many times.

  12. Anonymous6:26 PM

    "It's encouraging to see others remind us that Republicanism/conservatism isn't all about social issues"

    That's because economic issues are the only things that Republicans have going for themselves nowadays. :P
    But seriously, I disagree with conservatives on just about every facet when it comes to social issues. I do realize that Democrats love censorship as well, but it's politics we're talking about here. I dislike nearly all aspects of politics, but when I get Christian fundamentalist/deep South (not much of a difference, really) viewpoints shoved in my face (see: that woman who got that Loretto teacher fired, Prop 73, intelligent design, Jack Thompson, etc), I don't get into a happy mood.
    But, I don't hate conservatives! John McCain is an example! And the only one I can think of at the moment. Besides you, of course.
    I am really going to get yelled at.

  13. No, Cameron, not yelled at. I'll just quietly take off points :-)

    I'm too tired right now to list all the liberal crap shoved in my face daily as a conservative teacher, but I hope you get the idea. It's important to remember, though, the small post I ran on civility at

    Thanks for commenting.
