Sunday, November 06, 2005

Army-Air Force Football Game

Yesterday Army's football team beat Air Force at Falcon Stadium for the first time since 1977. It's been 8 years or so since they beat Air Force at all.

For West Point graduates and Army fans worldwide, it was truly a game to savor. Army now has two (consecutive) wins to its credit this season, which obviously stinks, but this one was a good one!

I actually got to watch the game. ESPN 360 broadcast it over the internet for those with broadband connection. The picture was pretty clear, and except for the small screen, was just what people on tv were seeing--including commercials. Kudos to ESPN for making that service available!

Periodically during the game, especially in the 2nd half, I sent out play-by-play emails to a West Point emaillist of which I am a member. While many people (who apparently have neither broadband or ESPN) appreciated that effort, two made an impact on me--one graduate in Aceh, Indonesia, and another in Manila.

Thanks, ESPN. You made three people that I know of very happy campers yesterday.


  1. Gonna have any barbeque and root beer? :-)

  2. I've heard all about that "building speed in the backfield" comment from St. Fisher!

    As for "rebuilding year", that's what losers always say :-)

    We've had several rebuilding years in a row!

  3. Smack, I assume the rule is still there that says you can't drink at tailgates? When I was there, under-21 could drink 3.2 beer in Colorado but obviously USAFA didn't want drunk cadets at their games so no drinking during tailgating.

    Good thing we'll be having root beer at Kate's tailgate!
